Serviciile noastre

se adreseaza consumatorilor si furnizorilor de energie electrica


Acoperim 95% din situatiile si problemele pe care un consumator sau furnizor le poate intalni


Schimbare furnizor de energie

Indiferent ce furnizor aveti intotdeuana se poate si mai bine

Contact permanent

Nu suntem niciodata ocupati pentru clientii nostrii


  • factura eronata
  • aparatura arsa
  • variatii tensiune
  • returnare garantii
  • schimbarea titularului de contract
  • modificari tehnice a instalatiei de alimentare
  • pierderi de energie
  • reprezentare in fata furnizorilor si operatorilor de distributie
  • etc
Mai mult


va ajutam cu
  • Relatia cu operatorii de distributie
  • Elaborare documente perzonalizate
  • Elaborare proceduri obligatorii cerute de ANRE
  • Analiza si rezolvarea petitiilor clientilor
  • Raportari catre ANRE
  • Creeare si actualizare site conform cerintelor ANRE
  • informari legislative in domeniu
  • etc
Mai mult


15% reducere
  • O solutie completa, pret si clauze, personalizata
  • Pret garantat pe durata contractului
  • Transparenta
  • Predictibilitate
  • Fara garantii
  • Fara clauze care ingradesc dreptul de schimbare al furnizorului
  • reprezentare eficienta in fata operatorului de distributie
  • etc
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va ajutam cu
  • Obtinere in termen legal al avizului tehnic de racordare
  • Obtinerea celei mai bune solutii tehnice
  • Obtinere celei mai mici oferte ptr realizarea bransamentului
  • Modificari tehnice ale instalatiei de utilizare
  • Respectarea termenelor de executie
  • Onbtinere avize edilitare pentru autorizatia de constructive
  • etc
Mai mult

Intrebari frecvente

De ce sa schimb furnizorul

Yes, you are free to use our themes on as many websites as you like. We do not place any restrictions on how many times you can download or use a theme, nor do we limit the number of domains that you can install our themes to.

Pot sa obtin singur cele mai bune solutii?

We offer no-questions-asked refunds to all customers within 30 days of your purchase. If you are not satisfied with our product, then simply send us an email and we will refund your purchase right away. Our goal has always been to create a happy, thriving community. If you are not thrilled with the product or are not enjoying the experience, then we have no interest in forcing you to stay an unhappy member.

Pot sa-mi elaborez singur documentele?

Elegant Themes offers two different packages: Personal and Developer. The Personal Subscription is ideal for the average user while the Developers License is meant for experienced designers who wish to customize their themes using the original Photoshop files. Photoshop files are the original design files that were used to create the theme. They can be opened using Adobe Photoshop and edited, and prove very useful for customers wishing to change their theme’s design in some way.

Pot sa-mi negociez singur pretul si contractul?

Yes, you can upgrade at any time after signing up. When you log in as a „personal” subscriber, you will see a notice regarding your current package and instructions on how to upgrade.

Pot sa-mi elaborez singur procedurile operationale?

Unfortunately does not allow the use of custom themes. If you would like to use a custom theme of any kind, you will need to purchase your own hosting account and install the free software from If you are looking for great WordPress hosting, we recommend giving HostGator a try.


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Serviciile noastre

se adreseaza consumatorilor si furnizorilor de energie electrica

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